[PNG icon] [Valid HTML 4.0]


This image is a half-scale, interlaced, RGBA-palette (8-bit) PNG. Click on it to download the full-size original, which is a 32-bit RGBA PNG (960 x 860, 1.6 MB).


    Pieter S. van der Meulen
    The original image comes from a slide I took in 1991 and was
    scanned to PhotoCD.  The alpha channel was created by converting
    it to a grayscale image.  Gamma correction was applied to lessen
    the transparency of the ice.  A photo-fill program (with varying
    similarity and soft edges settings) was used to make the sky fully
    transparent.  Manual editing was done to make "white" ice/snow
    parts opaque.
    http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/7147/nationalparks.html for the
    original PhotoCD image;
    http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/ for the PNG home site.
    Copyright 1999 Pieter S. van der Meulen.  This image, including
    the alpha channel, may be used, edited and reproduced freely.
    pnmtopng 2.37.2

Here are the other pages at this site with PNG images:

[primary site hosted by SourceForge] Last modified 15 March 2009.

Copyright © 1999-2009 Greg Roelofs.